How do I...?
Sample Questions

bullet How frequently has the federal government brought criminal charges under any one of the nation's 3,000 criminal statutes? What happened? Show MeExample 1 (2:56)

bullet How have the smaller but still vital agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency or the Food and Drug Administration or bank regulatory bodies enforced the criminal law? What were the resulting prison sentences? Show MeExample 2 (4:06)

bullet How many cases were brought under the special government programs aimed at curbing organized crime, reducing government corruption or the prosecution of spies and terrorists? What reasons did federal prosecutors give when they decided that the agency referrals in these and many other areas were not worth prosecuting? Show MeExample 3 (3:12)

bullet What were the reasons that IRS employees gave in each of the agency's 33 districts for their decision to audit the tax returns filed? How did the odds of audit and selection criteria vary by income level of the taxpayer? Show MeExample 4 (1:55)

bullet Who are the federal civilian employees in my community, what agency do they work for and what are they paid? Show MeExample 5 (1:50)


Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. I use Netscape and Windows and sometimes the text doesn't show up when I print the tables from TRAC Analyzer or TRAC Express.

  2. How can I figure out which Federal District my county is located in?

  3. How do I create a listing of the records in my data slice?

  4. Why do some of the maps have white spaces on them?

  5. What is the difference between a "-" and a "0" on the tables?

  6. Why do the population counts vary on different tables?

  7. What do I do when I get a message quota exceeded in analyzer?

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