TRAC EXPRESS provides a speedy way to view U.S. federal expenditures from a variety of perspectives:TRAC Express gives you a variety of tools for viewing this county, state, and federal judicial district information:
- State: looks at the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
- Federal Judicial District: provides information according to the 90 federal districts, the basic jurisdiction through which the country's federal criminal and civil judicial business is handled.
- County: zeroes in on the nation's 3,140-plus counties.
Make your selection and select Submit Request to generate the desired report, which usually displays in less than a minute.
- focus: provides focused information on a user-selected topic about a particular geographic unit. Under states, for example, you can choose focus and obtain a breadth of information about federal fund expenditures for the nation as a whole or in any one of the 50 states.
- rank: ranks jurisdictions on a user-selected topic. For example, you can determine how all federal judicial districts compare with each other in terms of per capita receipt of funds for any given federal program. For the counties, two types of ranks are compiled: A percentile rank of 1 indicates that the county is in the top 1% of the nation, while a percentile rank of 100 indicates the the county is in the bottom 1% of the nation.Whereas under the other option (rank), the counties are ranked within a state. You can select output either as a map or as a table. With a map, you can easily identify regional variations. With a table, you are provided with an orderly layout of the specific information they requested. In many situations, the perspectives offered by a shade map and a listing table complement each other.
- compare: provides comparisons of a given type of expenditure (direct payments or insurance and loans) on a user selected factor for a particular county, state, federal judicial district, or the U.S. as a whole. By selecting compare under county, for example, information is developed comparing funds received for different federal programs and agencies for the county chosen.
- trend: displays either a graph or a compact table that shows the change over time for the selected topic and geographical unit.
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