This series of pages is designed to help both new and experienced users better understand and utilize the resources available on TRAC.

Commonly Used Terms

Attorney General's PriorityAttorney General's Priority Assigned Class of Referral (list of codes)
Asst. U.S. AttorneyInitials of Assistant U.S. Attorney handling referral
DispositionDisposition Type (list of codes)
Disposition DateDate of Disposition (year/month/day)
Disposition ReasonReason for Declination/Nature of Disposition (list of codes)    (additional pre-1992 codes)
DistrictFederal Judicial District (list of codes) (map)
JudgeInitials of Judge (where assigned)
Lead ChargeLead Charge at the Time of Referral (Title and Section of U.S. Code) (list of codes)
Prison TimePrison Sentence in Months (M) or Years (Y)
Prison Time SuspendedSuspended Prison Sentence in Months (M) or Years (Y)
Probation TimeProbation Time in Months (M) or Years (Y)
Program CategoryJustice Department Program Category (list of codes)
Prosecution DateDate Prosecution Filed (year/month/day)
Referral AgencyInvestigative Agency Making Referral (list of codes)
Referral DateDate Referral Received (year/month/day)
Table TopicsNumerical Information Fields Used as Table Topics (list of codes)
$FineFine in Dollars
$Fine SuspendedSuspended Fine in Dollars


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